Fugdi Dance from Goa

Fugdi is a folk dance from Goa, the Kokan region of India. This dance is solely performed by women. Prior to the dance, they light up a small ‘diya’ or lamp on a nearby tree. They then proceed to form a circle and dance and sing. There are no musical instruments used.

“Fugdi - Dhalotsav 2012.” Directorate of Art and Culture, Shree Mahadev Devasthan, Saccordem, Dharbandora-Goa, www.artandculture.goa.gov.in/gallery.php?id=41.

The dance starts off on a slow pace but increasingly becomes energetic and fast paced.

It is performed during religious festivals, especially Ganesh Chaturthi. It is done in praise of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Mahalaxmi.

The men are generally preoccupied with the decorations, prayers and other preparatory activities of the festivals.

The women adorn ‘nauvari saris’, gold jewelry and nose rings. They wear flowers in their hair and hold coconuts in their hands.